Would you change anything in your presentation if you knew one of your jurors could draw a perfect bike from memory? That's how Jonathan Koshi spent his waiting time on jury duty.
I asked Jonathan to tell me about himself, and ended up learning a lot of things I didn't know -- about the media player software called Songbird ("a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up," says their website), an online San Francisco music magazine called the Owl Mag ("Our goal is to provide an easily perusable forum that lets you frolic in genuine music knowledge and culture, like a tight-wearing wood nymph"), and a great documentation project:
I'm an artist with a taste for technology. My professional craft revolves around the Songbird open-source media player project. I'm the User Experience Architect and a co-founder of the company that makes Songbird, Pioneers of the Inevitable. I'm responsible for the experiences everyone has with our project, from the software, to the website, to our tshirts and stickers. I also illustrate our bird mascot.
Outside of work, I'm an avid cyclist (I finally gave up my car last year!), a live music fan and I volunteer for the Owl Mag, as a photographer. Photography has turned from a hobby to a part-time pre-occupation. Among my other photographic obsessions is one for documenting San Francisco's jukeboxes.
Jonathan's Flickr photostream includes, as you might imagine, a lot of bikes. All rights in this image are reserved to him; thanks for his permission to put it in the American Gallery of Juror Art.