A jury blogger ought to be able to follow instructions, right? So although I'm still basking in Blawg Review's praise, I'll name ten really good law blogs, and pass this meme on to them to do the same if they choose.
Simple Justice, Defending People, Corrections Sentencing, and Drug and Device Law Blog, you'll be relieved to hear you're disqualified, since you just got a different meme award here on Monday. From the rest of the "blawgosphere," these ten come first to mind:
- SCOTUSblog
- New York Personal Injury Law Blog
- Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer
- Blawgletter
- Capital Defense Weekly
- a public defender
- TalkLeft
- Empirical Legal Studies Blog
- Point of Law Forum
- Psychology and Crime News
(Photo by Nichole Armageddon at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nmusser/150096657/; license details there.)