The juror on Twitter this weekend in Philadelphia's high-profile Fumo trial must have been the tipping point. Suddenly everyone is talking about jurors on the Internet.
The New York Times has a front-page article today that has gotten a lot of attention, in part for the wise comments of Douglas Keene, president of the American Society of Trial Consultants. Meanwhile I've gotten to talk to reporters and columnists from the Associated Press,, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel's law blog Proof and Hearsay, BBC Radio's The World Today and then their Newshour, and Southern California Public Radio's Patt Morrison Show (Doug Keene was on that one too, with Greenberg Traurig's Scott Bertzyk) -- all in the last two days, with two more interviews coming up.
Visits to this blog are up too, so welcome, new visitors. For your tweeting-juror-research convenience, there's a new category here, Jurors and the Internet, pulling together all the posts here on the subject. Over the last two years we've accumulated posts on jurors who blog (lots of those, actually), jurors who read blogs, jurors on Facebook and other social networking sites, jurors on Twitter, jurors researching the case on the Internet, jurors who comment on news stories, how to ask jurors about social networking, how to find jurors' on-line writing, why it matters, and how to deal with problems when they arise. The way things are going lately, there will probably be many more.
(Photo by James Cridland at; license details there.)