Deliberations! Or so say the voting readers of the Wisconsin Law Journal, in that paper's recent "Best Of" feature.
This will come as a shock to the thousands of readers of Althouse, and rightly so, but they'll be comforted to see the part where the WLJ "freely acknowledge[s] that this is not, nor was it intended to be, a statistically valid review of the best our state’s legal community has to offer." The fact is that the WLJ is kind enough to syndicate most posts of this blog, so its readers may be the only audience in the world that's more familiar with Deliberations than with Althouse. All that said, it was an awfully nice compliment, and I'm grateful.
As with most "best" lists, one of the best parts about it is the rest of the list:
--Althouse, which came in second;
--The Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog;
--Proof and Hearsay, the excellent law blog of the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel; and
--Ross Ipsa Loquitur, the legal technology and law practice management blog of Ross Kodner's Milwaukee legal tech company, MicroLaw.
Further consolation to Prof. Althouse's many fans, of course, is that while any blog can get an award once in awhile, it takes an extraordinary blog to lead to marriage. Very best wishes to her on her engagement -- to a man she met when he commented on her blog! I myself am already married, I hasten to say.
(Photo by Vicky Brock at; license details there.)