Two articles (authored by researchers with opposing perspectives on the prevalence of narcissism in Gen Y) present evidence for their differing positions on narcissism and Generation Y. Three experienced trial consultants offer their reactions on how this controversy should be considered in litigation advocacy. Each set of authors then responds to the trial consultant comments.
Asking the Tough Questions: How to Examine a Child Witness in Sexual Abuse Cases,
How to question child witnesses in sexual abuse cases without re-traumatizing the child or looking like a bully. Matter-of-fact and straightforward strategies and sample questions.
The Key to Voir Dire: Use Your EAR
A voir dire strategy to help you identify the impact of a juror's prior experiences on your specific case facts and to aid you in making good decisions about striking specific jurors.
Deception: "Do You Swear to Tell the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth, So Help You God?",
Improve your litigation advocacy by learning (and then practicing) tactics recognized as legitimate detectors of deception.
How Jury Service Makes Us Into Better Citizens,
An article ten years in the making on how the process of participating in jury deliberation makes us better citizens. With responses by two experienced trial consultants.
Jurors and Technology in Trial: What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits,
How technology can be used in high profile trials to clearly communicate your message and aid jurors in hearing it.
Redefining Credibility: Turning Expert Witnesses into Teachers,
An experienced trial consultant presents his perspective on the importance of preparing expert witnesses to be better teachers for your jury.
What Preparation Does Your Witness Need?,
An experienced trial consultant looks at how to identify the specific sort of preparation your expert witness needs by assessing witnesses individually and planning tailored interventions.