Deliberation Readers,
We are excited to be re-launching Deliberations, the Blog of the American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC). The goal of this blog is to serve as a forum and educational resource that stimulates discussion amongst members of the social sciences, legal and trial consulting communities.
As editors and facilitators, we encourage authors and readers to submit original, written work regarding developments in social science and the practice of litigation. Topics may range from discussion of recent research, to accounts of thought-provoking stories, to instructive pieces imparting wisdom gained through experience.
If you would like to contribute to the Deliberations community by sharing a piece you’ve authored, please submit it following the Submission Guidelines in the Instructions for Authors section on the website. We also encourage you to discuss content written by other Deliberations’ bloggers by posting in the Comments section or submitting your own post as a response.
We look forward to you participating in a vibrant community and stimulating spirited conversations here at the ASTC Deliberations Blog!
Benjamin Perkel and Joshua Behl
Deliberations Co-Editors